At Casall we believe in health and wellbeing, for all and for everyone. We are simply better together. We value high ethical standards, not only in our own operations, but in all operations connected to our business. We have long lasting relations with the vast majority of our partners, some we have worked with since day one. We work with few, well selected partners, to be able to have a close and continuous dialogue where mutual respect and shared values is the foundation.
The production is largely located in Taiwan and China, where we primarily collaborate with our partner who we worked with since many years. Reason being that the technical expertise and high quality production for our diverse range of tools is mainly found in those locations. However, we are proud to also produce or full range of rigs and parts of our racks in Sweden, which are made in steel.
Transparency is important to reach progress in all areas, and we are therefore now mapping our supply chain also down to tier 3 and 4, to get an even better understanding of our value chain, the risks it has and how we can manage them. This is done in close collaboration with our partners, as we do believe the best way to achieve change is not to demand, but to educate and support.
Below you can see where we produced our products sold during 2022 and 2023.
Casall and all our suppliers, subcontractors, and other business partners have committed to Casall’s Code of Conduct and, where applicable, Chemical Policy and Animal Welfare Policy.
Casall’s Code of Conduct, Chemical Policy, Animal Welfare Policy and risks of actual or potential adverse impacts connected to our value chain, undergo due diligence at least once a year. The assessment is made in accordance with OECD Due diligence guidance for responsible business conduct to the extent relevant to Casall’s business and size of operations.
External sources used for the assessment include but are not limited to Amfori BSCI’s Country Risk Classification and OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector.
Countries in the Amfori BSCI’s Country Risk Classification with a score lower than 70 or three or more individual dimensions rated below 70 are considered risk countries, whereas countries scoring higher than 70 are considered low-risk countries .
Sector risks include but are not limited to child labour, discrimination, forced labour, hours of work, occupational health and safety, the right to establish or join a trade union and representative worker organisation and the right to collective bargaining, compensation, discrimination, hazardous chemicals, water consumption, water pollution, energy consumption and CO2 emissions, bribery, and corruption.
We request our suppliers to share third-party audits and, if applicable, corrective action plans to ensure they comply with our Code of Conduct or actively work to do so. Risk countries with a score below 40 are considered high risk and must share audits annually. Risk countries with a score ranging from 40 to 70 or three or more individual dimensions rated below 70 are considered medium risks and must share audits every two years. Production in low-risk countries, with scores ranging from 70 and higher, does not require a third-party audit. However, it is still preferred. If no third-party audit is available, the supplier should take the BSCI self-assessment for producers (template 11), which will be shared at least every second year.
Accepted third-party auditors include, but are not limited to:
• Amfori BSCI – factory level.
o Passing Grade: A, B and C.
o Failing Grade: D, E and Zero tolerance.
• Sedex/SMETA – factory level.
o Preferably 4 pillars audit.
o Any other auditing in accordance with APSCA (Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors), which represents high credibility and consistency in social compliance audits.
• SA8000 by Social Accountability International (SAI) – factory level
o Passing Grades: 5, 4 and 3
o Failing Grades: 2 and 1
Potential new suppliers are assessed according to our requirements. New suppliers should always be visited as a standard routine.
Visits are also made to current suppliers using the same procedure as for new suppliers. Risk countries with a score below 40 are considered high-risk and should be visited yearly. Risk countries with a score ranging from 40 to 70 or with three or more individual dimensions rated below 70 are considered a medium risk and should be visited at least bi-annually. Production in low-risk countries, with scores ranging from 70 and higher, should be visited at least every third year.
Sub-contracting is allowed, but it requires approval from Casall in accordance with our Code of Conduct, and the sub-contractor must commit to the same terms as the direct supplier, meaning Casall's general terms and conditions, which also entails Casall's Code of Conduct, Chemicals policy and Animal Welfare Policy for those that it concerns.
Read our full Code of Conduct here
Read our full Animal welfare policy here